For me, being a doctor is yes about having a great interest and knowledge of human biology. Human biology is of course what first got me excited about the field of medicine and remains a keen interest of mine as I keep up to date with advancements in the field through reading the "New Scientist". It is this love of biology that has made the academic challenges that I will face in medical school all the more attractive to me. However, being a doctor is at its core about people. If you were just interested in science then working in a lab would be enough but it is the application of this in real scenarios to help people that makes being a doctor what it is. To be a good doctor you must possess empathy and be able to talk with patients to find a treatment option that not only benefits the patients physical health but also their social, mental and financial health. In this way medicine is not simply a science but also an art. I am also aware that doctors to not work in isolation and that in modern medicine, a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare is ever present. Therefore to be a doctor, is to be a part of a larger team in healthcare, working towards the common goal of helping others.
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