Fragile environments are a type of ecosystem, and with any essay in geography, it's key to use case studies to aid your answer. In particular for fragile environments, their management versus being exploited are some of the major points of focus and it is useful to discuss at least two or more case studies in order to make comparative evaluations than simply evaluating the management methods of just one chosen case study. For example, tropical rainforests and savannah grassland are two fragile ecosystems that are exploited for the natural resources they provide and the animals that live there. Both areas therefore need to be managed effectively to ensure that they are preserved for future generations.When answering an essay question, it's important to begin your paragraph with the facts regarding your chosen case study such as why it is exploited and how it is managed and then state the positives and negatives of these management methods. The evaluation then involves dissecting the positives and negatives and explaining whether they will really make a difference in the short or long term and comparing this to another case study describing how another area may be more effective at management because it pleases the locals and businesses, as well as not damaging the ecosystem to such an extent. Remember that evaluations are about how good or bad something is but the explanation of "why" is most important in terms of social, economical and environmental effects to effectively evaluate.