When applying to university, writing your personal statement is one of the most difficult obstacles because there is no specific guidance to structuring the personal statement. I think one of the main beliefs is that you have to include everything you have done on your personal statement, no, this is false. You do not have a significant word count for this, instead only choose 2-3 main points for each section and this will allow you to go into detail and provide an explanation for why this is important/significant to the subject you want to study at university level. The most important question to ask yourself after each sentence is 'why?', why is this so important? why does this show my enthusiasm to the subject? For example, I linked my piano playing to my self-motivation and dedication to further reading for a history degree. Begin with a short one-sentence statement introducing yourself, then followed by academics and only a short paragraph about your extra-curricular activities. It may not seem so, but the concluding statement is just as important as how you introduce yourself in your statement because you want your enthusiasm and commitment to the degree to continue throughout the entire statement. For example, many students conclude with vague and broad statements which is too generalised. Instead, the best way to conclude your personal statement is always linking back to what you said in your introductory statement and why you believe you will be a fit candidate for studying this subject on a further intellectual level. By doing this, you will clearly demonstrate to the reader the careful articulation of your thoughts.
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