This question highlights the importance of basic terminology and is specifically asking to identify the word class and archaic spelling pattern of each word. In order to decipher the two components the question is asking for, it is of vital importance to read the full passage of text provided in order to work out the context the word is being used in.Working through each example:Example A) 'Passe' the word class would be a dynamic verb, as this verb would be 'Pass' in standard English. The archaic spelling in this case is an appended-e. This can be noted by the additional vowel of 'e' at the end of the word.Example B) 'Seruice' the word class would be an abstract noun, in standard English this noun would be 'Service'. The archaic spelling pattern would be a u/v interchange, as the consonant 'v' has been replaced by the vowel 'u' in this case.In these types of questions terminology is KEY, if you have got to grips with your terminology and know it inside out then answering these questions becomes much easier. In order to practice the technique of applying learnt terminology to texts, it is useful to print off articles from newspapers sites such as the Guardian and work through highlighting different nouns, verbs etc. This is a great way to refresh the terminology you have learnt and makes you quicker at identifying language features- preparing you for finding them in timed, exam situations.