ESSAY PLAN: Viewpoint: Although it can be accepted that Khrushchev's economic policies, such as the 'Virgin Lands Scheme', partially contributed to economic decline, it is clear that apathy and economic recentralisation under Brezhnev ensured the fate of the Soviet economy by 1985. Whilst other factors like the innate flaws of the communist economic model and the engrained status of Stalin's military industrial complex also resulted in this outcome, Brezhnev is mostly responsible for causing and accelerating economic decline and stagnation by 1985. Paragraph 1: Discuss initial attempts at reform and economic successes under Brezhnev before restating the overall opinion by pointing out the economic failures and stagnation during this time as a result of his policies (Use comparative judgements: Whilst x can be acknowledged, it remains clear that y) Successes: 'Kosygin Reforms' 1964, 24% increase in industrial output after 10th Five Year Plan in 1976, 3 million added to the workforce. However: 40% decline in productivity by 1981, invisible unemployment rate of 20% coupled with a 600% increase in absenteeism and alcohol consumption, industrial output growth much lower than the expected growth of 36% (growth inflated by factory managers), recentralisation of the economic apparatus, failure of the Amur Mainline Railway that involved 50,000 people but was only 20% completed by 1985, economic growth of 0.3% by 1985 and a debt of USD$100 billion. Paragraph 2: Economic failures of Khrushchev's tenure, however argue that at least Khrushchev attempted to change the Soviet economic system for the better through regional level reforms and saw success in some areas. Refer back to the overall viewpoint of Brezhnev being the primary reason for stagnation.Reforms and economic change under Khrushchev: 'Virgin Lands Scheme', agricultural output in 1961 fell to 18% of levels recorded in 1956, 10-11% investment in technology and modern industry, 7.1% economic growth and natural gas output of 235 KWhs during 7 Year Plan, 3 year tenure limit introduced alongside the division of local councils. However, all reforms were reversed under Article 6 of the 1977 Brezhnev Constitution, demonstrating not only that reforms were possible during this period but also that Brezhnev deliberately avoided reforms and re-centralised the economic and political system which resulted in the aforementioned negative impacts. Therefore, it remains the case that Brezhnev was the main reason for economic stagnation by 1985. Paragraph 3: Discuss other factors such as the fundamental limitations to change as a result of the entrenched Stalinist military industrial complex as well as the flaws of the overall ideology in ultimately not providing the motivation to work hard. Reassert the influence of Brezhnev in accelerating decline and resigning to the fate of stagnation by 1985. Summarise all points in the conclusion.