What is the difference between global governance and global government?

First step to answer this question would be to assign a definition for both terms. Global government could be described as a single global body whose aims and goals are clearly set to govern other actors. Being a governing body, it has ties with other states but does not have a horizontal power relationship with them. Indeed, there is a form of hierarchal relationship. The closest organization we have to resembling a global government would be the United Nations. However, it does not quite fit into the category of a global government as power relationships are horizontal and states have an important say in what is done within the UN. Global governance, on the other hand can be described as a process of interactive decision-making at the global level that involves formal and informal mechanisms as well as governmental and non-governmental bodies. However, states do remain the main actors, as such there is both a horizontal and vertical interactions in which officials in different branches of government work with counterparts. The second step in answering this question is by pointing out the differences between both terms. For example the power relationships, for global governance there is a clear relation amongst all actors. However, in a global government the power is unilinear, from top to bottom, in other words it is a hierarchy. Another difference is that a global government is not a process it is an actual body or organization, whereas governance is a dynamic process with various actors and power balances. The last difference would be the existence of both in modern politics, there is no current global government whereas there are different forms of global governance.

Answered by Anais M. Politics tutor


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