The comparative poetry aspect of the A level English Literature Edexcel exam can be quite tricky and in fact, if we look at the grade boundaries by unit we can see that the poetry paper has the lowest grade boundary of the whole spec. (41/60 for the A *).All to say, don't worry about finding this hard!The main thing to remember here is that you're trying to look for common ground between the 21st-century poem you've studied and the unseen poem that has been set so think creatively about structural points and shared themes. One thing to avoid in this unit which I know I was often guilty of is becoming so captivated by the similarities that you make it out that they are basically the same poem; remember these are written by different poets often on pretty different themes - by exploring the contrasts your essay will become far more interesting and more nuanced comparative points will evolve!I've attached a handy diagram which is a great way to make sure the way you are structuring your points is clear, I found this an easy format to plan all my comparative essays all the way through the course and even in the examARGUMENT/ INTRO: Both poems do this... One however...POINT 1: POINT 2: POINT 3: (often focus more on a difference) Poem 1 with evidence Poem 1 with evidence Poem 1 with evidenceLink Link LinkPoem 2 with evidence Poem 2 with evidence Poem 2 with evidenceCONCLUSION: Re-emphasise points and show your argument was correct.
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