When adding fractions we need to make sure that we're adding numbers that are in the same proportion.Take for example 1/2 add 1/2, if we simply added the numerator and the denominator we would get 2/4 - which simplifies to a half!Multiplying fractions is a little more tricky. Think of 3/4 as taking a whole, dividing it into 4 pieces and then taking 3 of them. What would happen if I took one of those quarters and divided it in half? I would have 2/8th of the whole.Now consider what would happen if I had 1/4 of a pizza and wanted to take 3/5s of that (1/4 x 3/5). I would start by dividing my 1/4 slice into five equal pieces. How big in comparison to the whole pizza would each slice be? It would be 1/20 because there are 4 quarters that are each divided into 5 pieces (4 x 5). Since we are only going to take 3 of them (because of 3/5), therefore we end up with 3/20 of the whole pizza, which as you can see is akin to multiplying the numerator and denominator.