So, my instinct in answering this question is a definite NO. There are a lot of terrible myths going around that present Oxbridge interviews as some kind of MI6 screening scenario . I remember when I was applying, I was told some horror stories about how an interviewer conducted their interview lying on the ground, or bouncing on an yoga ball. I was also told that they judge you according to which seat you choose to take. All of which is utterly untrue.However, I would argue that there are two significant dynamics between an interviewer and an interviewee that perhaps pose more of a 'tricky' situation then many individuals applying may have faced before. Firstly, interviewers are very analytically astute individuals. This means that yes, maybe, they will sense the certain vibe you give of by choosing which seat to sit in and decide to commence the interview accordingly. This is, of course, something you should not seek to manipulate or influence or even pay much attention to. All it means, is that you are being watched and analysed constantly which may feel uncomfortable at the beginning (even if you don't quite realise it's happening), but will soon pass as soon as you relax. `The tutors are never trying to trick you by tripping you up. They won't call you out harshly on your mistakes, or something you don't know and they'll never try and create a personally uncomfortable conversation for you just to test how thick your skin is. However, I would say that they'll often try and tease out details from what you've said and get you to think more deeply and more specifically about your academic understandings. It may feel like they are trying to get you to twist and turn for no reason but its all to test your intellect.
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