(Depending upon the student's level of Spanish, I would either talk this answer through with them in Spanish or English. Here, I will write in English for the sake of the interview - I hope that is OK!)INTRODUCTION: explain the importance of the press in our everyday lives, distinguish between online (Twitter, news sites) and traditional press (newspapers, TV). Lay out the argument, (por un lado... por otro lado...) and hint at your overall point of view. //ADVANTAGES OF PRESS CENSORSHIP: (can suggest any as long as they are relevant and can be backed up with examples)//it can protect children from violent or sexual content (e.g. pornographic material)//it can protect vulnerable adults from potentially harmful material (e.g. ban on alcoholic drinks with over 20% proof in Spain)//it could help to control hate or false information (e.g. grooming of people into ultra right-wing organisations like Vox//DISADVANTAGES OF PRESS CENSORSHIP: (again, can suggest any as long as they are relevant and can be backed up with examples)//Capitalist promotion of one mode of viewing for potential personal monetary gain//Authoritarian and potentially infringing upon human rights of free access to information: limits education and promotes ignorance//Censorship during e.g. the Francoist era had very severe consequences for the Spanish people//CONCLUSION: summarise the overarching argument and perhaps end with a personal reflection or a comment about future generations and access to information in the press.