In French like in English and other languages, there are many words that sound the same but have very different meanings. In order to make sure that there is a distinction when they are written, the French have decided to add an accent or not depending on the context. You are able to decide what is the correct spelling by asking yourself specific questions and checking which is the most applicable to the situation.In this particular situation, ''ou" could be replace by "ou bien" or "or" in English and "où" can be replaced by "where" . If you cannot replace it with "Ou Bien" ("or"), do not add an accent. You are also able to verify in French by asking yourself if the situation can add a "Bien" to the sentence and it still makes sense. For example: "Ou es-tu?" - "Ou bien es-tu? - "Or are you?" This does not sound right - You need to add an accent- "Où es-tu?""Une pomme ou une banane?" - "Une pomme ou bien une banane?" - "An apple or a banana" - It works! Do not add an accent!