One of the main differences between English and French is the adjective position - unlike in English, where the adjective comes before the noun (e.g we would say 'the green apple'), French adjectives come after (e.g la pomme verte). However, like for most grammatical rules, there are some important exceptions - some French adjectives actually come before the noun as well. Many of these are common adjectives you might like to use in your work.An easy way to remember these special adjectives is to use the BANGS rule:B - beauty (e.g beau, joli)A - age (e.g vieux, jeune, nouveau)N - number (e.g un, deux, trois)G - goodness (e.g bon, mauvais, meilleur)S - size (e.g grand, petit, gros)So remember - French adjectives come after the noun, unless the belong to a BANGS category, in which case they come before!