Generally speaking you can tackle your essays in one of two ways. You could take the examiner through the essay question chronologically, with your three paragraphs relating to different sections of the text, and talk about how these sections specifically reflect the ideas you are trying to portray.Or you could chose to write your essay thematically, with each of your paragraphs setting out a different thematic concern that relates to what the essay title is asking. With each of these methods you should remember to contain critical and contextual references. As a suggestion your introduction, could begin with a piece of contextual information before outlining the basis of each of your paragraphs. In essence your introduction should simply explain the basis of your answer. Your conclusion could then leave the examiner with a lasting thought, it should not express a completely new idea but perhaps add something new to an idea you have already explained in the body of your essay through the use of a critical link to support your idea.