How do you convert fractions to decimals? For example. Convert 13/20 to a decimal.

One way to convert fractions to a decimal is to divide the top number by the bottom. However with fractions like this, it is not easy to do without a calculator. So, you must use another method. Since dividing anything by 100 is much easier, you can first convert your fraction into a form where the bottom number (denominator) is 100. To do this, find out :(1) How many times does your bottom number go into 100? i.e. 20 goes into 100 5 times. (2) Multiply the top number (numerator) by that same number. i.e. Multiply 13 by 5. (3) Now write this new number on the top of your fraction and 100 on the bottom. = 65/100. (4) Now divide 65 by 100, which can be easily done by moving the decimal point two places to the left hand side, so that 65. becomes 0.65

Answered by Claudia S. Maths tutor


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