Colours in Italian language, as in many other languages, are used in different ways. Here you find some examples with the colours BIANCO (white), NERO (black), ROSSO (red), VERDE (green). "Passare la notte in bianco" literally means to spend the night "white", or rather, to spend the night without sleeping. The use of the colour white associated with the lack of sleep is very interesting and to remember this idiom you can reckon that we normally need darkness to sleep, therefore when you don't or can't sleep is because of the light (white). "Cronaca nera" means black report, otherwise "crime reporting". Here darkness takes its most common connotation, that is the negative one. The colour black in fact is associated with a crime scene, or negativity, as, for instance, the expression "Vedere nero" entails. It means to see "black", that is "to be negative". However, "vedere rosso", which literally is to see "red", has another meaning. Red is the colour of sudden instances of a particular emotion and here it refers to a person who is very angry. Eventually, "Avere il pollice verde" literally means to have the thumb "green", or rather, it refers to a person who grows plants and flowers, take cares of them, without letting them die.