To make it easier for you to keep hold of your ideas, you can summarise your points in your introduction. For example, if I was writing an essay about Christmas, I might say; 'In order to explain what Christmas is about, we must explore the ideas of religion, presents, and decorations.' Following this, the topics of my paragraphs would be: 1. Religion, 2. Presents, and 3. DecorationsThe next part of your essay is the paragraphs. The best way I learned how to structure an essay in English Literature is using the PEARL method: P = Point, E = Evidence, A = Analysis, R = Reader's Response, L = Link back to the question. This method is easy to remember, and can be used during your planning stage to make sure you are covering the whole mark scheme!Lastly, you an use your conclusion to sum up all of the ideas you have laid out! For example, at the end of my essay about Christmas, I may say; 'In conclusion, the most important parts of Christmas are religion, presents, and decorations, because...'
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