Be confident but friendly - if you don't know the answer try your best but do not lie. Back yourself up - give examples for every skill or quality you claim to have and demonstrate why this would be suitable for a career in medicine. Think before you speak - do not rush into any answer, take a deep breath and collect your thoughts before answering each question. You have more time than you think! Remain calm and stay composed - if a station/question goes badly it's not the end of the world, you can still redeem yourself if you stay calm. Prepare and Practice - the more you prepare, the more confident you will feel. This is where I can help you. Make a list of commonly asked questions and have a list of points you plan to cover if these come up. Then - practice, practice practice! I can help analyse your answers, refine them and give general advice on how to answer such questions. You should also read through your personal statement and be prepared to speak about anything you have mentioned.
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