Personal statements are less about writing a love letter for your subject and more about showing the university admissions offices why you are the perfect match to the course on offer. The introduction and conclusion parts are the most important - the first bits read and the final bits read are the first bits that people remember from any written piece of work.The first paragraph should start with a punchy sentence that encapsulates the values of the course, and why you reflect these. A sort of mini introduction that will lead into the first paragraph that explains your current study and skills and why this links to the course you are applying for. The second paragraph should discuss any work experience and further study you've done in your own time that furthered your interest in the course. The third paragraph should look at academic achievements or positions of responsibility that link to interest in the course or reflect the values of a good university student e.g. community. The fourth paragraph should look at your well-roundedness - any part-time jobs, hobbies - things that show your interpersonal skills. The final paragraph should be a couple of sentences that round up what you've said already and explains why all the above show you reflect the values of the course and would be an ideal student.
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