The important concept here is that in order to add or subtract fractions, they must have a common denominator. The easiest way of finding a common denominator for three or more fractions is usually to multiply the denominators together. So here, your common denominator is 72 (4x3x6). The next important thing to remember is that whatever you do to the bottom of a fraction, you must do to the top. So, if we use the first fraction as an example, you will get: (3*6 (3x-2))/72The same can be done for the other three fractions. Now that they are all over a common denominator, you can forget about the denominator. Now it is just a matter of solving. Multiplying out the brackets must be first (1) on the list and then rearranging the terms to get an equation in the form x= ___18(3x-2) - 24(2x+5) = 12(1-x) 54x-36-48x-120= 12-12x18x=168 so x= 28/3