An example of what my answer would be:我住在爱丁堡。爱丁堡是一个很大的城市。位于在苏格兰的南部。我非常喜欢这个地方。首先,城市特别漂亮。因为城市的历史很悠久,所以有很多美丽的建筑,比如爱丁堡城堡很漂亮。其次,在爱丁堡人人都很友好。尽管我父母住的地方离爱丁堡很远,但是跟新的朋友见面很方便。最后,爱丁堡城市很热闹,每天我能做各种各样好玩的东西。例如,每个星期五我和我的朋友在一起画画。I live in Edinburgh. Edinburgh is a large city located in the south of Scotland. I really like this place. Firstly the city it extremely pretty. There are many beautiful buildings because the city has a very long and rich history, for example Edinburgh castle is very pretty. Secondly everyone is very friendly. Although my parents live very far away, it is easy to make new friends. Finally, Edinburgh is a very vibrant and bustling city. Every day there is all kinds of fun things to do, for example, every Friday, my friends and I paint together.