Present tense in German is formed using 2 parts: subject (Ich) and verb (trinke)- conjugates depending on which person.Past tense uses 3 parts: subject, auxiliary verb and past participle Subject: Ich, du, er, sie, es, sie, ihr, SieAuxiliary verb: present tense of either SEIN or HABEN- this depends on the whether the verb indicates movement from A to B or not. Sein for movement e.g fahren, gehen and haben all other verbs e.g essen, haben, (I would then write out the conjugation of these) Past participle: ge -t for regular verbs e.g gehabt, geliebt ge -en for irregular verbs e.g gegessen, getrunken SO.... ich trinke .... goes to ....Subject: IchAuxiliary: HABEN because it's not movement so Ich habe...past participle: irregular verb so changes a vowel and ends in -en... getrunken N.B word orderpast participle goes to the end of the sentence Ich habe jeden Tag zwei Liter Wasser getrunken.