Planning and answering the essay:
Introduction - unpack the question. What is being asked of you? Unpack key words such as significance, outline what the 1832 Reform Act was. State your areas of exploration for the essay, e.g. impact on the electoral system, impact on the relationship between the executive and parliament, the impact on future parliamentary reform, impact on electoral results and subsequent legislation in the following years etc. State your given areas of significance which you will explore in the essay.
Main body:Paragraphs should state in the first sentence what area the paragraph will explore. Evidence will then have to be provided in order to back up the point. This evidence should be explained and understood, and then linked back to the original point in order to demonstrate how the evidence supports the point. The final sentence should summarise the paragraph, and link back to the question in order to signpost the direction of argument. The first and last sentences when read should give a full indication of what the paragraph is arguing.
Conclusions:The conclusion should summarise the argument presented, covering each point and showing how all these factors link in order to answer the question. This paragraph should clearly present the given significance of the 1832 Reform Act, and provide a direct answer to the question presented.