ID: This is the primitive, instinctive component of personality. It operates on the pleasure principle, which is the idea that every wishful impulse should be satisfied immediately, regardless of consequences. It consists of Sex (life), Eros (libido) and Thanatos (aggression). Babies are born with only the ID.
Ego: This develops to mediate between the unrealistic ID and external real world. It operates on the reality principle, working out realistic ways to satisfy the demands of the ID. It considers social norms, etiquettes and rules in deciding how to behave.
Superego: This incorporates the morals of society which are learned from others. It develops around the age of 3-5 during the Phallic stage. It controls the ID’s impulses, especially those forbidden by society such as sex and aggression. The conscience punishes the ego through feelings of guilt and rewards it with pride.