When writing numbers to two decimal places, we need to look at the third digit after the decimal place first. If it is 4 or under, then we can just finish the number after the second digit after the decimal place. If the third digit after the decimal place is 5 or over, then we need to round the previous digit up by one.
So when rounding 65.4632 to 2 decimal places, we look at the third digit after the decimal place. This digit is 3 and is under 4, which means we don't need to round the previous digit up, and so the answer is just 65.46.When rounding 9.8971 to 2 decimal places, we look again at the relevant digit, which in this case is 7. 7 is above 5, so we need to round the previous digit up by 1, but this digit is 9, so when we round the 9 up, it becomes a 0 and the digit before the 9 also goes up by 1. Therefore our final answer is 9.90.