This is a fantastic question. Lots to get your teeth into. First of all - unpack the question. If you unpack the question you will know which way to take it. So what does the 'American Dream' really mean? And what is the Great Gatsby anyway? To start off, it would be useful to find out when the term 'American dream' was first coined, and when did the phrase become more popular? Does the popularity of the this phrase link with the context of Great Gatsby in any way? It could be useful to draw parallels within the first paragraph or introduction. Secondly, what do you understand contextually about The Great Gastby? E.g. When was it written, when was it set, who was it written by, do we know anything about the life of the author which will enable us to make connections between 'The Great Gatsby' and 'the American Dream'?I have a help-sheet available with prompts and contextual information. Feel free to request this to support with your 'question unpacking'!