India is an example of an NEE, a newly emerging economy, this is due to the rapid rural to urban migration that has been taking place. One of the biggest problems with people moving from rural areas to urban areas is the development of Squatter settlements, an example of this is Mumbai's slum Dharavi, which is home to over 1 million people. It is one f the largest settlements in the world. The Slum was created informally with no planning this has lead to many problems for the city which include; being over crowded, noisy and smelly. The houses are made from a range of found objects, often dangerous and precariously made materials such as cardboard, wood, corrugated iron, plastic sheeting and metal from oil drums. Another problem is the lack of sanitation - they are not set up with good infrastructure and there is also often a lack of clean drinking water. Open sewers are another factor which often leads to disease, which spread quickly in the crowded quarters. Thousands of workshops and people employed in the informal job sector. These are unstable jobs which include selling fruit and veg by the railway track, a hair dresser, collecting rubbish, cleaning cars. These jobs will have no security for people if the work gets ill and is unable to work, the jobs can also be dangerous, and there is not a secure amount of money earnt each day from the job they undertake.