The reading exam is arguably the most difficult aspect of the Russian IB; the level of the texts is high and there is little time to engage with all the passages, therefore making it vital that you use your time effectively. Everyone has their own techniques but I have found the following to be very effective when completing a reading exam:1) Read the question before turning to the passage so you know what words or phrases you'll be looking out for and underline words in the question you do not understand2) The question tells you what section of the text the answer is found in. If it says the answer is found in the whole text answer this question last and skip to a question which tells you the line/paragraph number.3) Underline the text where your answer is from and put question number next to it. Answers to questions are spread consecutively through the passage and this will help show you where the answers are.4) When matching words from the text to their synonyms, the synonyms come in pairs so if you match the pairs up first it makes it easier to identify the synonym.5) Answers are usually given in the same case as the word in the question so look out for endings!General Reminder:Spread your time as evenly as you can and do not get hung up on a question, leave it and come back laterDon't leave a question blank! You will not lose marks for mistakes