You never know what mood o use after "que" in french? Well, feel better because even some french people don't.The rules are simple you just need to learn them.Verbs that need subjunctive are those that express: -A will; a prefrence > To order; ordonner que / to demand; exiger que / to fear; craindre que/ demander que/ il est préférable que ...I prefer to keep the door closed > Je préfère que la porte soit fermée. -A refusal, an acceptance > To forbid to; interdire que/ prevent from; empecher que/ to accept; accepter queYou may not eat all the sweets: Il est interdit que vous mangiez tous les bonbons -An appreciation To like that; aimer que/ to hate that; détester que/ to be happy that; être heureux que/ to think, to find; Trouver normal, injuste.. que I am happy you are here: je suis heureux que vous soyez là Verbs that need indicative are those that express: -Declaration verbs, belief, an oppinion > to say that; dire que / to think that; penser que/ to believe that; croire queI believe I love him: Je crois que je l'aime> to seem, to think; sembler que I think we've met before: Je pense qu'on s'est déjà vu It seems to me it's up to us: Je pense que c'est à nous de décider HOWEVER If they express a negative belief you will use the subjunctive as it expresses something that is impossible in reality. I don't think they arrived yet : Je ne pense pas qu'ils soient arrivés# I think they arrived : Je pense qu'ils sont arrivés