The purpose of a personal statement is to attempt to convey who you are as a person and your enthusiasm for your subject in a limited number of characters. In the first instance, get every point you want to make down on paper as this makes it easier to cut down.
Firstly, examine any unecessary punctuation, superlatives or adjectives. While the latter can be useful to make your statement sound nice, it is not what universities are looking for - they want to know what you can offer them. Next, read and re-read your statement. Re-word sentences where possible to make sure your point is simple and effective. Ensure that every word in your personal statement serves a purpose - they do not need to know meaningless details about you and your life.
Get others to read your personal statement as a sentence that you may think is great can really add nothing to the overall content. Getting a second perspective is also really useful, as you can see whether you have been successful in selling yourself.
Last of all, remember: the objective of your personal statement is to get an offer. keep that in mind at all times and only write things that contribute to this!
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