The opening of your statement should be a short sentence regarding your area of study. You should briefly explain what elemnts fascinate you within this subject and highlight some of your qualities. Remeber to MAKE IT PERSONAL.
Your main paragraph should include examples of further reading and how these texts/podcasts/articles/exhibitions etc have enhanced your knowledge and spurred on your interest. This is the space which allows you to show off your knowledge outside of the cirriculum and display your understanding of further study.
If writing a statement for a joint honours programme this next paragraph should focus on the second subject in the same style and structure. Yet remeber to link the subjects together and state clearly why you wish to study them as a couple and how they compliment one another.
Your final paragraph should focus on extra curricular activity and achievments such as a musical instrument or an interest in a particualr artist. However rember to link these activites to your degree path and ensure that they are current and relevant!
To conclude briefly give a sentence depicting your induvidual qualities and why you ought to be chosen by the univeristy.
My top tip is to enjoy the process of writing this statement as not only is the planning of it highly useful but it also allows you to ground your mind in what about your degree makes YOU tick.
Steer away from cliches and words such as 'passionate'. It must be noted that checking your final draft carefully is integral and repetition of phrases and words is not advised. Good luck!
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