Your essay must always begin with an introduction. This consists of your thesis statement, a concise description of your main arguement. This is to be followed by a summary of your main points and the sequence in which you will discuss them. Always finish by rebutting your main arguement.
In the main bulk of your essay you should start each paragraph with a topic sentence, this outlines the point you will be making in that paragraph. To move on and discuss a new point you must begin a new paragraph. Moroever, you must use the format PEA to structure the main body of your essay: Point Evidence Analyse. Evidence will consist of a quote from the text, either embedded in your essay as a word or short phrase or as a sentence or line, however neither should be any longer than your middle finger. In your analysis it is crucial to include historical and literary context to achieve your A/A*. This adds further depth, however must be relevent to the point you are making and to your main arguement. You must also refer to critical readings in your analysis to achieve top marks. Either refer to them in order to strengthen your own point or critique their interpretation of the text to support your main arguement.
Finally, the conclusion must repeat your main argument and sum up your main points. Never make any additional points in the conclusion.
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