First we need to know that the conversion factor for km/h to m/s is 3.6km/h=1m/s
Next we need to read in a value from the user. This can be done with 'input' function as follows:
KMHvalue= input("Enter a value in km/h: ")
we will then need to use our conversion to convert the value into m/s
Then we can output the answer using the 'print' function:
print("your value in m/s is: "+MSvalue)
hence the whole program is:
KMHvalue= input("Enter a value in km/h: ")
print("your value in m/s is: "+MSvalue)
We could make this program more sophisticated by allowing the user to select if they want to convert from km/h to m/s or the other way around. A sample script to do this would be:
choice=input("Please enter 1 to convert km/h to m/s or 2 to convert m/s to km/h")
if choice==1
KMHvalue= input("Enter a value in km/h: ")
print("your value in m/s is: "+MSvalue)
else if choice==2
MSvalue= input("Enter a value in m/s: ")
print("your value in km/h is: "+KMHvalue)
print("Invalid Choice")