This very topical GCSE question in the ‘Population Change’ topic asks you to explain why people move between countries that are part of the European Union (EU).As the question asks you to use ‘examples’ you need to refer to specific places, for example, there was lots of migration occurring across the EU after 2004 when many Eastern European countries such as Poland joined the European Union.You then need to explain why people were migrating e.g. some Polish citizens moved to countries such as the UK in search of better jobs (reference to push/pull factors), better standard of living and better education. Higher wages in the UK meant that money (remittances) was sent back home (also because Polish currency was weak)– this can encourage the development of the home country for their relatives (i.e. better quality of life etc.).You could refer to recent issues such as the collapse of the Greek economy which encouraged Greek citizens to move to other EU countries in search of work.