German has the same way of forming the future tense as English - using will. In German, the verb used is werden, which can also mean to become. To form the future tense, you have to first conjugate werden, e.g. ich werde, and then put the infinitive (the normal form of the verb that ends -en) at the end of the clause.
I will go to France - ich werde nach Frankreich fahren
You will eat with me - du wirst mit mir essen
She will play tennis - sie wird Tennis spielen
ACHTUNG!! 1) Remember the verb has to come second, so if you start the sentence with a time period, e.g. nächstes Jahr, the main verb (i.e. werden) has to come next. For example: nächstes Jahr werde ich nach Frankreich fahren.
2) Ich will does not mean I will, it means I want (to).