This is a simple partial fraction to solve as the denominator has already been given to you as a factorised quadratic.
Because the x terms are to the dgree 1 aka x1 we use the form
(2x+16)/(x+6)(x+7) = A/(x+6) + B/(x+7)
where A and B are coefficients that have no x terms.
You then multiply out the equation by taking the denominators up top and cancelling. Step by Step this goes:
1: move (x+6) up top to give
(2x+16)(x+6)/(x+6)(x+7) = A + B(x+6)/(x+7)
we can see this has removed (x+6) from the A term.
2: now do the same for (x+7) to give
(2x+16)(x+6)(x+7)/(x+6)(x+7) = A(x+7) + B(x+6)
we can see on the left hand side that the brackets cancel out giving:
2x+16 = A(x+7) + B(x+6)
But how do we find A, B and x?
Work you way through the x coefficients.
x0: 16 = 7A +6B
Then we look at x1 (this is the only x used in this example but in others you may have x2 etc) then:
x1: 2 = A + B
We now have 2 simultaneous equations which can be solved giving us