In short, no. It's an unfortunately common myth that shadowing a GP is essential for a successful application but this is very much not the case. Basically, what a medical school wants to see in your personal statement from your work experiences are examples of reflection of the profession and what you got out of it. This would involve observing a particular event but then demonstrating what you felt/learnt from that experience. It shows you understand the realities of the job when applying and are serious about the profession. Ultimately, you can find these episodes in any work experience, not just in a GP. Furthermore, universities understand how difficult it is to obtain a placement at a GP so whilst it is hugely beneficial in seeing consultations and a doctor's patient manner, they certainly do not expect it. Hands-on jobs like caring or volunteering are also looked on more favourably than a work experience placement because it shows the necessary skills needed to actually do the career. It's fantastic if you can get a GP placement and make the most of it by trying to see all different aspects of a general practice (reception, consultations, administrations, notes recordings etc), reflect on interesting things you've seen and what it made you feel about the profession but remember it's certainly not a necessity! Any placement in a healthcare setting + medically focused volunteering of some nature will stand you in good stead for your personal statement :)
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