The most common prepositions in Italian are:A = at (to, in)Example: Vado a scuolaTranslation: I go to schoolDa = fromExample: Sono da InghilterraTranslation: I am from EnglandDi = of, byExample: Un piatto di pastaTranslation: A plate of pastaIn = inExample: Ci sono libri in bibliotecaTranslation: There are books in the libraryCon= withExample: Esco con I miei amiciTranslation: I go out with my friendsSu = onExample: Mi siedo su una panchinaTranslation: I sit on a benchPer = forExample: Lavoro per due oreTranslation: I work for two hoursTra/fra = between, in…a certain amount of time (in two weeks, in one hour)Example: Fra due settimane vado in vacanzaTranslation: In two weeks I go on holiday