Reflexive verbs are verbs that are used when the subject of the sentence performs an action on itself. For example, I wash myself or I enjoy myself.In Italian, the reflexive verbs are easily recognizable in the infinitive form because they end in –SI, which is not normal a verb ending e.g. ALZARSI, DIVERTIRSI, METTERSI.To conjugate reflexive verbs, you have to add the reflexive pronoun in front of the verb. The reflexive pronoun changes for each person and are as follows:Io miTu tiLui/lei siNoi ciVoi viLoro siOnce you have put the reflexive pronoun in front of the verb, you conjugate it as normal. There is an example using ALZARSI (I get up):Io mi alzoTu ti alziLui/lei si alzaNoi ci alziamoVoi vi alzateLoro si alzano