Lots of verbs which are irregular when in the past participle can still be grouped together to make them easier to learn!
Here are a few of the most common irregular past participles. Remember! A past participle is used when forming the perfct tense, the pluperfect tense, or the future perfect tense. It must always have an auxiliary verb before it.
Acquérir > acquis (to acquire)
Apprendre > appris (to learn)
Comprendre > compris (to understand)
Mettre > mis (to put)
Prendre > pris (to take)
Falloir > fallu (to need to)
Voir > vu (to see)
Vouloir > voulu (to want to)
Avoir > eu (to have)
Boire > bu (to drink)
Connaître > connu (to know)
Croire > cru (to believe)
Devoir > dû (to have to do something)
Lire > lu (to read)
Pouvoir > pu (to be able to do something)
Savoir > su (to know)
Tenir > tenu (to hold)
Venir > venu (to come)
Vivre > vécu (to live)
Recevoir > reçu (to receive) (watch out for ç! The cedilla here softens the sound to an ‘s’ rather than a ‘k’. In ‘recevoir’ it is the ‘e’ that follows the ‘c’ that softens the sound.)
Couvrir > couvert (to cover)
Dire > dit (to say)
Faire > fait (to do)
Joindre > joint (to join)
Mourir > mort (to die)
Offrir > offert (to offer)
Ouvrir > ouvert (to open)
Souffrir > souffert (to suffer)
Etre > été (to be)
Naître > né (to be born)