Answering questions that require you to look in depth at sources is just like zooming into a spot on a picture, or thinking about the lyric of your favourite song. You're probably aware of the rest of the melody, or what overall picture is about, but when you're zooming in, you're trying to find out what one particular aspect means without losing sight of the bigger picture.Think in depth about the language or means of the particular reference - is the tone angry? Respectful? Kind? This is an example of a detail to pick up on. You can usually tell by the grammar used, or the type of words. Now your knowledge of the bigger picture comes into handy. If you feel the tone sounds kind, for example, knowing that it could come from a letter about a zoo, as opposed to a prison, will change why the tone and the writer is choosing to sound kind.Answering source questions is a great way to be super in depth and thorough, whilst also giving you and chance to show you know what goes on in the module you're studying.