When doing psychology exam papers, make sure to analyse on the methods and methodologies of studies rather than the procedures of studies. In short answer questions (SAQs), you will have to outline, explain, or describe. In SAQs, identify relevant key words and terminologies, apply 1-2 studies to the question, and focus on the question or concept. In long answer questions (LAQs), you will have to explain, examine, discuss, evaluate, or answer to what extent. In LAQs, connect to the syllabus, compare and contrast relevant studies, and connect to the question. For example, you would want to write how the following studies connect and suggest ideas to the question in your introduction. Then explain with study 1, followed by study 2 which either supports or disagrees to study 1, then with study 3 which either counter supports or disagrees to study 2. Evaluate this again following this structure with 3 other studies, then conclude how the studies all connect or do not connect to each other. Most of all, make sure to answer the question.