These questions involve weighing up different components of an event. You may be considering causes, consequences or the level of, for example, opposition. Considering the question is 'to what extent', it is essential that you weigh up how important/significant that factor actually was. This should be done throughout your essay by producing counter arguments and concluding the overall significance of factors through 'Mini judgements' at the end of each paragraph.In your conclusion, be sure to mention the specific factor included in the question. Sometimes, concluding that it was a combination of factors, but that one or two were more important, is the best opinion to take. Here's an example of how I would structure this question...To what extent did propaganda contribute to the Nazi Party's acquisition of power from 1929-331. Intro: outline your argument2. Propaganda did help to raise the profile because...But propaganda was limited because...Mini judgement as to how important propaganda was (1-2 sentences).3 As propaganda has limitations, it is arguable that a different factor contributed to the acquisition of power in 1933.But a different factor was also limited because...Mini judgement as to how important a different factor was (1-2 sentences).Continue with this structure for 3-4 more factors. It is better to have fewer factors with more detail than more factors with less explanation. 4. Conclusion:Propaganda was an important factor because... but it was limited because (2-3 sentences).Therefore, other factors must have contributed. For example, ... (briefly outline the significance of these)It is most convincing to argue that it was a combination of factors leading to the rise of Nazism. Nevertheless, ... were the most important factors in contributing to the acquisition of Nazi power in 1933.