Following the Cold War, the U.S. underwent a "unipolar moment", positioning itself as world hegemon with the world's strongest economy and geopolitical influence. However, many factors have led to questioning its position as leader of the liberal world:
- Rise in China's economic growth and expansion into the South China Sea (Nine dash line)
- 08' Crisis caused by U.S. financial institutions, combined with slowing GDP rates and over $19 trillion dollars in debt (a lot of which is owned by China)
- Decrease in U.S. 'Soft Power'. Significantly less influence in the international system. i.e. Undermined by Russian foreign policy in Ukraine and Syria.
- The U.S. is unstable and divided as a country on the domestic front. The President - elect has no political experience, proposing racist policies and pushing for an "America First" platform, further undermining America's image as global policeman of the free world.