The important thing to do when starting a personal statement is to have a good think about why you are applying for the subject instead of all the other courses available. Write down all the characteristics about the subject which you feel make it interesting and the right choice for you. Once you have this you can make a second list of all the activities you have taken part in, and anything you have achieved, over the past few years. The crucial step is then to think of how you can link items on the two lists together. So, if for example you are applying to study history, and you have put down this is due to your love of exploring different eras of human life, you can then link this to something on your second list, such as some trips you have made to historical sites you read about. The link does not always need to be so direct. If you are applying for law because you like that it requires the ability to think on your feet, you can then back this up with a part-time job you held where you may have had to handle customer queries or complaints.
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