Firstly, it is very important to understand what the question is actually asking you to answer. It can be tempting to want to simply write down everything you know about the topic, but this will not get you all the marks! So, instead, answer what you are actually being asked. A good way to work this out, is by highlighting the key aspects of the question - I would suggest one colour for the 'instruction' words (e.g. "discuss") and another colour for the 'content' words (e.g. "responses to flooding"). Next, in brief bullet points, perhaps at the edge of the paper, plan the structure. Plan what points you will make and what examples you will you use to support these. A useful way to think of this is - "PEEL" Point, Explain, Example, Link (to question). Remember to be careful with timing and not to spend too long on your answer as you may not have time to finish the paper. Finally, try not to panic!