When you're doing a question that focusses on sources it is important to make sure you have time to plan, at least 10-15 minutes. If you rush to writing as soon as you start you might miss something so read the sources carefully and resist the temptation to spend time making the first part of your exam perfect before you start Section B. When writing your essay keep the introduction brief and concise, describe the sources and then say what you think are the key themes they show. Make sure that you have thought about themes that are relevant to both of the sources you're looking at and refer to both sources in every section of your essay. Aim for about 4 or 5 paragraphs in your essay and conclude as strongly as you can about what is important about the sources in their historical context. In the exam remember that if you're pushed for time you will be seriously marked down for missing out on the conclusion so make sure you finish the essay with a conclusion even if you don't manage to make all the points you had planned. Structuring the essay in this way will show off your historical ability and show that you've really thought through what the questions is asking of you.