Take a deep breath. Look at the text you have to analyse or the texts you have to compare. Look at your question and begin to plan: take 5-10 minutes at the start of the exam to plan your answers (this will make it much easier to write faster whilst making sure you get your relevant points in!) Here are some tips for writing: STRUCTURE your essay: this will make it easier for the marker and for yourself. THINK ANALYTICALLY: use linguistic terminology to analyse your texts, this will ensure your marker knows that you understand these concepts and can use them analytically. PEA: outline your Point; provide Evidence (in the form of a quotation); Analyse this point (VERY important!) You are selling your argument to your marker, it is important to justify each point and piece of evidence that you make by LINKING it back to the question. make your answer RELEVANT: Don't drift from the question, one way of making sure you don't do this is by looking back at the question every so often or writing it on top of your plan so it's always on your mind! And if you run out of time: don't worry too much about a conclusion! Get your points in. Good luck!