The best way to include historians is using a historians view as a point. For example if the question is about the success of the 'Little Tudors' (1548-1558), you could include how John Foxe believed the 'lord was working against Mary' and thought she was terrible before Elizabeth. Then you would include one or two more historians in you paragraph to be able to include more evidence. The next paragraph would be a historian who disagrees with Foxe. The historian does not have had to have mentioned the rivaled historian (although some do), just have opposing views. For example historians view Mary's reign differently, John Guy believes the failure of her reign was over exaggerated, and that she created a well working navel army, which Elizabeth could later use to defeat the Spanish armada. You need to find historians who view the same evidence in different ways and how they got to different conclusions. Your conclusion (and mini conclusions throughout) will be all about which historians views are more valid in your opinion and why.