What weight should I give to each aspect of my personal statement?

This is a very commonly asked question. I remember wondering how to find a good balance when I was writing my personal statement. The key points to touch on are academics, extra-curricular (this includes clubs and sport), interest in the subject you are applying for, roles of responsibility, your ambitions, skills, experience and achievements. Inevitably, how much you can write for each of these sections will vary from person to person. I remember I didn't have much to write regarding sporting achievements, so I focused more on work experience. What is useful, as a draft, is to write headings for each section and then bullet point your achievements under each section. Remember to always refer to how each achievement is relevant to your future ambitions and chosen course of study. Bear in mind that you have a word limit. Show off your best skills. If you don't have much to write under a particular heading, don't worry. Ensure that you don't neglect any of your well-earnt achievements! When applying to university, the main things you want to demonstrate are your academic accomplishments and experience, coupled with their relevancy to the subject you are applying for. Other skills, experience and achievements are useful to display your abilities and characteristics. Let's write a draft together now and discuss which of your headings are worth showing off the most.

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