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Following the occurrence of what is known as "haruf jar" which include the following: min, ila, an, ala, fi. Any words following these will, without a doubt be vocalised with a short vowel (Kasr...
موضوعنا هو ما يسمى بالإنجليزية 'ريوايلدينغ' العملية التي تهدف إلى إعادة الطبيعة أو أجزاء من العالم الطبيعي إلى حالة ما كانت عليها قبل تاريخ. وقد أثارت الحركة جدلاً واسع النطاق لا سيما في أوروبا لسبب بسيط ...
The complete qualification consists of two exams - an AS-level exam and an A2-level exam. In both exams you will be asked to complete a variety of exercises including translation from and to Arabic, readi...
The genitive case appears in two main instances. Remember the following:Any word after a preposition will be in the genitive case.For example: انا في البيتِ = I am in the house. (في is the preposition tha...
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